Pathfinder Mobile

Mobile. Fast. Independent.

Track and analyze your network – right on the spot. With Pathfinder Mobile you get access to all information of your network anytime and anywhere.

Document IT networks from your smartphone or tablet

Pathfinder Mobile is the mobile application for Pathfinder users. Networks can be documented on site, on the road and offline. Whether in the office, in front of a control cabinet in the data center or on the road for customer support – with Pathfinder Mobile you can call up network-relevant information at any time and from any location.

1. create work orders

Create work orders directly at the workstation. Send them conveniently to the cell phone of the technicians on site.

2. process work orders

Pathfinder Mobile automatically synchronizes all pending work orders. The instructions are available via app on site and, most importantly, offline.

3. execute work orders

Perform the desired changes step by step. Graphical instructions support the user during complex network changes.

4. log work orders

Finished? Upload all changes back to the Pathfinder Client at the push of a button. Your IT documentation is always up to date.

View Rack layers and signal tracing

Pathfinder Mobile provides information for all network levels. At the heart of this are the graphical displays of the cabinets and racks. The complete signal tracing also offers enormous added value in everyday IT. Via cell phone or smartphone, you can identify complex cabling paths and determine IT assets involved.

Search & Find

Pathfinder Mobile provides a comprehensive rich-text search across all IT assets. The innovative app enables device information to be found regardless of location, even in offline mode. Critical network information is available where it is really needed. Work in the data center is significantly simplified.

Signal pathway

The complete signal path can be displayed and traced from the start port to the end port. This signal tracing is available for all devices and also includes the corresponding IN & OUT ports on one device.


Pathfinder Mobile offers more than just viewing functions: Patch & un-patch directly on the spot. All changes are later synchronized with the database.

Advantages at a glance


Pathfinder Mobile is the multiple award-winning app of the Pathfinder Suite for location-independent documentation of IT networks and data centers.


Intuitive GUI – access network routes and patches at the touch of a finger and easily document them directly on site.


All functions of Pathfinder Mobile can be used both online and in offline mode.


Pathfinder Mobile is available for all current smartphones and tablets with Android or iOS operating system.

Requirements for the use of Pathfinder Mobile

To use the Pathfinder mobile application, you need the Pathfinder full version and the installation of an application server. Just book the mobile module and you can use Pathfinder Mobile on iOS or Android devices with your data.

If you are not yet a Pathfinder client, you can download Pathfinder Mobile with demo content.

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