Work Order Module

Collaborate quickly and effectively

Define workflows and tasks for a smooth network operation. Share relevant information across teams. Use Pathfinder as a platform for better collaboration.

Smooth network operation workflow

Decentralized DV-technologies lead to a decentralization of responsibilities and workflows. The solution lies in efficient task management. With this module, you avoid redundant tasks in network operations. Inexperienced users benefit from the knowledge of network experts. You can define work orders individually and assign them to specific users.

Better collaboration

Optimize your team, work on tasks effectively and efficiently. With this module, you maintain complete control over the work on the IT network and its process. With the help of Pathfinder, each work step can be assigned to the appropriate person and tracked during implementation.

The result?
In the event of a request from the client, fault diagnosis on the network or network changes, your response time is shortened significantly.

Define work orders and workflows

Share unique expertise with the entire network team

More reliability in planning network changes

Plan and test complex patching and distribution in advance

Create and assign user-defined work flow operations

Log network activities with the click of a button

Are you familiar with the macro recorder in Microsoft Word®? While you make changes in the network documentation, with this module, Pathfinder records all the steps in the background (Record&Run) and generates a work order. The affected network components automatically receive annotations. The planned and implemented network changes are thus clearly distinguished from each other. The advantages are obvious: In the planning phase, you can design network changes as often as you like and save time. The annotations prevent redundant tasks and duplications in practice and network documentation.

Work order management is also ideally suited as a planning tool for temporary network changes, e.g. in the context of setting up trade exhibitions, relocations or the settlement of cabinets. This module can be used to manage patching and reservations of ports, and to create detailed patch sequences. In addition, you can create user-defined work steps, filter work orders according to specific criteria and generate work orders (reports) at the click of a button.

This module offers another special feature: In order to precisely organize the responsibilities for individual tasks, work orders can be broken down into any number of sub-steps and assigned to individual employees. With the help of the Pathfinder Mobile App, these work orders are sent directly to the technician on site and enabling a more effective delegation of work across the plane.

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Features at a glance

  • Customizable work orders and detailed report generation
  • Planning network changes
  • Set appointments / reminders (automatic e-mail functions)
  • Management of work orders by time, due dates or deadlines
  • Log all network changes in the current documentation, specifying the user, time and type of change (annotations).
  • Assignment of work order bundles to employees (down to the individual work step level)
  • Record&Run function (Recording the tasks step-by-step)

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