Nuclear waste disposal company will use Pathfinder in the future

The dismantling of nuclear plants has become more urgent as German politics has agreed upon the nuclear phase out in 2011. The Entsorgungswerk für Nuklearanlagen GmbH, EWN, is responsible for the deconstruction of nuclear power plants of the former GDR era.

As part of the EWN Group, the company deals with the removal of old nuclear facilities on behalf of the federal government. From now on, EWN will use the network documentation tool Pathfinder to document the entire system environment.

The tasks and processes involved in dismantling nuclear power plants are extremely complex, very lengthy and always involve IT support. A functioning IT infrastructure, as a secure backbone for such sensitive processes, is absolutely crucial. In the various phases of the dismantling process, safety and security related aspects also take center stage. EWN must be able to rely on a high-performance infrastructure, which will be mapped and managed with Pathfinder from now on.

We are looking forward to a good cooperation!

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